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Nomes' News is Good News

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I am back!!!

Yes, it is true. I am really back. We have worked out how to get the internet in the house that I am staying in. So no more rude interruptions from nosy hackers thank you!! You can keep your hacking to yourself. And also stay away from my friends' blogs. I think that it is very rude of you.

Well summer has been really hectic, quite tough but not uneventful. I spoke on a youth camp in early Jan, lead on LiT (another camp), have had grandparents unwell and in hospital, my step-dad's white blood cell count doubled in 4 months (he has leukemia), I have made some great new friends, started at an excellent new church, have tried to do some college work in between, oh I also failed my Hebrew supp by 3% (which was quite disappointing - esp since I don't think I have ever failed anything before) but on the up side I still get to learn Hebrew over the next three years and don't have to work as hard as all the other Hebrew students at college.

Well that is a glimpse of what happened over summer. Over the next week or so I will go into the detail of some of these events but I thought it might be best to ease people back in.

oh yeah...and boys suck too!!! (and this will remain a mystery for most of you).

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hacker uncovered!!!

Ok so I just worked out that the hacker was actually one of my friends - very funny but very cheeky. Jeltzz must have been very bored that day :)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

hi. i have hacked naomi's blog. you may remember from such blogs as jeltzz, and the recently hacked A day in the life of....

so really, what is going on with this blog? no wonder it has so few comments. i mean, you don't update for a month, and you expect people to be reading it? no one drops by to read a blog that doesn't get updated for a month.

but i suppose summer is busy enough, without trying to keep up with the Internet. i mean, how are the kids going to get to school?

so the question you are all asking is, how did i manage this |-|4cK1ng f34t of l337 sk111z? well, that information belongs solidly in the vault.

so, as we like to say here at Rancho Relaxo, throw another banjo on the cabana boy!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I will be returning soon!

Hey all,
The blog has not died! January has just been a crazy month and when I get a chance to sit on the net for a substantial period of time I will update. So please bear with me for just one more week or so then things will be back on track!!
Thanks to all who keep checking!!