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Nomes' News is Good News

Thursday, February 09, 2006

hi. i have hacked naomi's blog. you may remember from such blogs as jeltzz, and the recently hacked A day in the life of....

so really, what is going on with this blog? no wonder it has so few comments. i mean, you don't update for a month, and you expect people to be reading it? no one drops by to read a blog that doesn't get updated for a month.

but i suppose summer is busy enough, without trying to keep up with the Internet. i mean, how are the kids going to get to school?

so the question you are all asking is, how did i manage this |-|4cK1ng f34t of l337 sk111z? well, that information belongs solidly in the vault.

so, as we like to say here at Rancho Relaxo, throw another banjo on the cabana boy!


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