The surest thing in this transitory life is the fact that we will all die. No one can escape death’s reach. Each of us at some point in our lives needs to come to terms with our own mortality… But the uncertainties of death still plague us. When will I die? How will I die? Will I die alone? When will my loved ones die? These too are questions we need to face but the problem with these question is there is no certain answer. We can’t really be sure when we are going to die. Neither terminal illnesses nor the appearances of complete health can dictate when or where we will die.
But in all this we can be sure that there is one man who death could not keep down. One man who defeated death on our behalf. Jesus went through death and rose again so that we can be sure that death, while certain, is not the end. Those who trust in Jesus can be comforted by the fact that they too will be raised from the dead to live forever with Him. This does not take away the pain of death, or make grief disappear but it is a comfort to know that on the other side of death we will see the face of our glorious King and Saviour.
What’s more… we know amongst the uncertainty of death that God is in control. We may not understand how things work, why healthy people die without notice and those who are terminally ill live beyond the expectations of medical professionals. But one thing we can know is God’s character, that he is faithful, loving, merciful, gracious, slow to anger, kind, patient… we can know the God who knows what’s going on. And we can trust Him!!
“The fear of the Lord – that is wisdom” (Job 28:28).