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Nomes' News is Good News

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Last night at dinner I found out that a friend from College ended up in hospital. On Sat night during the night she had a seizure in bed and managed to fracture 3 of her vertebrae. She then had 2 more seizures on Sunday. She is in a lot of pain but is generally good in spirit. The hard thing for her is that she is from America and only moved over here in January. So she is a long way from home and family and is in hospital.

This one event brings with it mixed emotions. There is the pain that we live in a broken world where horrible things like this occur. But also there is the joy to see God's family kick into gear and care for one of their members. So many people have been up to visit her and take care of her. Her boyfriend has been an absolute gem staying by her side.

But it is just so hard to see her in so much pain. And the doctors haven't been able to work out why they happened yet. That in itself is quite a blow. Please pray for her that she may heal quickly, that the doctors may work out why this happened and work at preventing it happening again, and also that she may hold on tight to the love and hope she has in her Saviour, Jesus Christ.


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