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Nomes' News is Good News

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A Reflection

It is difficult when someone you care so much about reflects back to you something that is really ugly about who you are or who you have become , for whatever reason.*

It is like when you look in the mirror and see a massive blemish that just dominates your face. It is hiddeous and you barely want to look at yourself.

This is kinda how I feel at the moment. What makes this so hard is that I know it's true. And it hurts people that I love. The only thing that I can do at this point is to throw myself on the mercy of my Heavenly Father and pray that he will change my heart and make me into the woman he wants me to be. For all you praying types, I would deeply appreciate your prayers on this.

I really just want to reflect Jesus!!

* Mostly there are good reasons for these things but that doesn't make them any less ugly and painful to deal with.


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